Movie Games’ portfolio includes horror games (“The Beast Inside”, “Lust for Darkness”, “Lust from Beyond”) and simulators, which show all the different aspects of various occupations (“Drug Dealer Simulator”, “Plane Mechanic Simulator”, “MythBusters” and “Alaskan Truck Simulator” produced in association with Discovery, Inc.). The company has been funded by game enthusiasts with experience in the financial, gaming, and media sectors. Movie Games is a Polish game developer and publisher, listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange’s alternative investment market – NewConnect. Gangster Simulator will be published by the same crew, moreover, the development of the game is led by two top-tier Polish rappers – “Małolat” and “Sokół”. The latter company launched in mid-April Drug Dealer Simulator, which achieved Steam global top-seller status and had a warm reception in the gaming community, which translates into 87% positive Steam reviews. Gangster Simulator will be created by True Games and published by Movie Games. ▫️ bookmakers (boxing, dogfights, street racing) ▫️ weapons and drugs trafficking in the darknet Play as a badass, who levels up from a low ranking punk to the guy who shakes the whole neighborhood. Cross this thin borderline between the gray market and serious crime. In Gangster Simulator you can play as a real gangster without any real consequences. How will you achieve it? It’s entirely up to you. This time we’re going to let you not only deal on the streets but also rule the streets. Selling weed is cool, but it’s only the tip of the gangsta iceberg.

Large, ambitious, and, of course, letting you dive into the illegal world of assaults, robberies, extortions, and even homicides. 🔥”Gangster Simulator” will be next “Drug Dealer Simulator” publisher’s BIG THING 🔥