Later on, its usage was expanded to other organisms by modification of the bacterial system or the discovery of other appropriate natural insertional agents. Insertional mutations have been playing an important role in biological studies ever since the early development of genetic engineering in the late 1960s (reviewed extensively in ). This system is already in use by the on-going genome-wide PB insertional mutation mapping project at IDM, Fudan University. MP-PBmice is a web-based application for large-scale insertional mutation mapping onto the mouse genome, implemented with the widely used framework Struts-Spring-Hibernate.
MP-PBmice can be easily adapted for other large-scale insertional mutation mapping projects and the source code of this software is freely available at. It supports the collaboration among different groups that enter data and exchange information on daily basis, and is capable of providing real time progress reports for the whole project. The MP-PBmice database system has three major features: strict access-control, efficient workflow control, and good expandability. A lightweight enterprise-level development framework Struts-Spring-Hibernate is used here to ensure constructive and flexible support to the application. This paper presents a database application called MP-PBmice (insertional mutation mapping system of PB Mutagenesis Information Center), which is developed to serve the on-going large-scale PB insertional mutagenesis project.

Therefore, the project calls for an efficient database system for recording, management, statistical analysis, and information exchange.

This project is carried out via collaborations among multiple groups overseeing interconnected experimental steps and generates a large volume of experimental data continuously. A large-scale insertional mutagenesis with the piggyBac (PB) transposon is currently performed in mice at the Institute of Developmental Biology and Molecular Medicine (IDM), Fudan University in Shanghai, China. It can rapidly generate easily tractable mutations. Insertional mutagenesis is an effective method for functional genomic studies in various organisms.