
Snowrunner caterpillar 745c
Snowrunner caterpillar 745c

snowrunner caterpillar 745c snowrunner caterpillar 745c

Mix that with the fact that it has 71 inch mud tires and this thing can blitz through most of the terrain snowrunner has. All this means for a truck that has unrivalled pulling power. The tires are among the best in the game and it’s power to weight is pretty good it’s torque is phenomenal and it has a lot of weight behind it. When you finally get this thing with the best tires and upgrades it’s a true beast. Same with trees, yeah you can catch a tree between front and back wheels but you can always winch yourself out of this position.

snowrunner caterpillar 745c

I have 150+ hours in this game and i never got permastuck with 745c. It can stall a little, but as you move you'll get the rocks under your wheels out of the way and will find a grip on the solid ground eventually. It also seems to get stuck over most rocky terrains or trees It can tow, transport fuel, pack containers/cabins and it's the only truck that transports medium logs without the need to buy a trailer. It can't attach trailers but it can winch them and deliver cargo from them (at least it could in the past, not sure if that wasn't patched). It's a perfect truck for towing tasks and it's also an ultimate scout, I use it in every opportunity I can. It has an enormous pull, big tires and that rotative mechanism where two parts of the truck move independently meaning almost zero chance to flip over. There's probably only one or two places in the entire game that this truck can't reach (due to the ice and no trees around to winch yourself forward). 745c is one of two most OP trucks in the game, it can get anywhere and basically won't stuck (unless it's your fault), ever.

Snowrunner caterpillar 745c