Then, of course, there's Johan, who's entire life's work and goal can be chalked down to the perfect suicide.After Nina finally regains most of her memories, Tenma had to talk her out of suicide. Although it's heavily implied that she did it to escape the Epiphanic Prison of reality, in theory the corrupting contact with 'God' made her do it.
#Tvtropes hatoful boyfriend serial#
Arguably, Yomodo Chisa in Serial Experiments Lain.A polar bear jumps off the last ice berg.

A recent "Stop global warming" ad shows CGI animals committing suicide.No real life examples, please we don't have any reason to torment the survivors by reminding them of this. Please, talk to someone.Īs a Death Trope, all Spoilers will be unmarked ahead. Contrast Face Death with Dignity, where one chooses to face the music (and the bullets) Bungled Suicide and Interrupted Suicide, where the character's attempt fails or is stopped by somebody else Happily-Failed Suicide, where the character is grateful to be alive after all, and Suicide Is Painless, where the character has no reason to commit suicide, but does so anyway.įor any tropers who feel this way, You Are Not Alone. See also: I Cannot Self-Terminate, Suicide by Cop, Ate His Gun, Bath Suicide, Better to Die Than Be Killed, Goodbye, Cruel World, Suicide by Sunlight and Murder-Suicide. Unfortunately, minors can be total monsters to each other, and grave bullying at school or elsewhere often can have very sad consequences (the bully more often than not also gets off with a simple slap on the wrist, too). Also incidentally, pushing someone into this is treated the same as premeditated first-degree murder in many countries. This is regularly played for laughs, despite being Dude, Not Funny. Sometimes this is done to deliver An Aesop about teen suicide by having Long-Lost Uncle Aesop show up in a Very Special Episode.Īt the other extreme, victims of The Corruption, Compelling Voice, or other forms of compulsion may resort to becoming a hero to prevent the monster they are about to become from being unleashed on the world. By contrast, Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, et al.) abhor suicide, believing that only God is permitted to say when a life may be ended-however, there is considerable debate over issues like terminal illness and capital punishment.

Some Proud Warrior Races, such as the nomadic Scythians, preferred suicide as an alternative to dying in bed, thus making this trope Older Than Feudalism. It was also accepted by various ancient Greek philosophies, particularly that of the Stoics, as well as the ancient Romans and Egyptians both of whom lauded it as a dignified and timely alternative to illness, dementia, or disgrace. This obviously is more common in Japanese works (as in Japanese culture, traditionally suicide can be done to cleanse one's honor) than in Western ones (as in some Christian sects, suicide traditionally is a shameful act-but classical settings allow it to be presented as honourable, e.g. In some cases the reason for suicide may not be depression, but honor, as with ritual suicide. In a Backstory, being Driven to Suicide can illuminate the character's Dark and Troubled Past. In any case this is a powerful way to underscore the desperation of the character. But in shows where Anyone Can Die, the character may go through with it. Most times the character will have second thoughts, or will be talked down by a friend. This may be as little as pondering their existence or as much as holding a gun to one's head. Whatever the reason - for fear or shame, ( a guilty conscience, the world is simply too much to bear, or unreasonable self-hatred) - the character may be Driven to Suicide. File:Rsz 1sayonarazetsubousensei05 6268.png