The first line-up consisted of Team Urameshi vs Team Rokuyukai. Koto acted as the referee and announcer during the first half of the Dark Tournament, and as such was expected to narrate the fights, all the while having to dodge the insanely deadly attacks of each team, most notably those of teams: Urameshi, Rokuyukai, Toguro and Team Masho. However, by the end of the series, she has developed a crush on the very human-looking. Similarly, she found Bui's "deep, timbering voice" attractive. She called Yoko her "dream hunk" (and was very disappointed when he turned back into a "tailless Kurama"), she was vocally annoyed about Kuro Momotaro's beast armors of the Ape and the Phoenix (she made no comments about his Wolf form), preferring his human-looking form and complaining about the loss of his "waxed, washboard abs loved so much" (she made no comments about the Armor of the Wolf). In the anime, she seems to have a broad and varied taste in men. As the stadium comes crumbling down around them, Juri’s fear of dying a virgin spurns Koto to abandon her obsessive commitment to the tournament and flee with her friend (also noting that she will help “find a man”). Despite this, she views her replacement announcer as a close friend, expressing concern for her and even rescuing her during Hiei’s fight with Bui.

She sometimes puts on a cute act, but is very shrewd and manages to get in jabs at Juri being a former cocktail waitress. Ironically, in the Demon World Tournament, she seems upset over the fact that Chu fell for Natsume. Koto is briefly the object of affection for Chu, whom she doesn't share feelings for. Unlike most demons in the Tournament or in the stands, Koto doesn't seem to have any problem with Team Urameshi, praising their successes alongside their enemies. She is very reluctant to let Team Masho win by cheating, showing that she values an honest fight and really is as neutral as she claims to be. She also has the entire tournament rule book memorized, and points that out to Botan, during Jin's fight with Yusuke- Botan complained that Jin's fighting was an unintentional ring-out.

In the Demon World Tournament of the English dub her sadism is toned down a bit, while her Japanese Version remains as sweet and positive as ever. Her love of destruction is so much that she will stay in her seat even when the stadium is under attack from the competitors' powers (such as when Shishiwakamaru revealed his Banshee's Shriek sword or when Saikyo activated his detonator). In fact, she is also something of a masochist as well as a sadist (she seems genuinely confused when the heavily injured Kuwabara doesn't enjoy his pain as he stumbles into the ring to fight Risho and her complaints about Bakken's treatment of Kurama were that he "wasn't even conscious to enjoy" the beating). In both Japanese and English Versions though she becomes easily frightened whenever there is a formidable attack such as the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, though not as much as Juri. In the English version, Koto often seems overtly-amused in the suffering of the fighters at the Dark Tournament, but only when both contestants can have a fair fight fight. She also saved her friend Juri from the black dragon and comforted Chu when he became sick after drinking his ogre-killer booze. In both versions, she has some standards as she disapproves of Bakken's attempts to keep Kurama's unconscious body in the ring. In the English dub, she is portrayed as being significantly more bloodthirsty, often giving her own sadistic commentary on how much she enjoys the pain and death she sees.
In the original Japanese, Koto is a bright and cheerful young lady who is admirably professional and devoted to her job, impartially cheers on and encourages fighters of both sides during her commentaries, and is basically a hard-working good person who just happens to earn her paycheck from bad people. Her clothes consist of a cream shirt with a golden collar and a short blue tie, a pair of waist-high pink shorts, red coat tails with teal lining, black tights, red cloth bracelets, a pair of short-heeled red boots, and a small red bow-tie choker. Her demon features consist of: a pair of triangular ears (akin to those of a fox in the anime and a cat in the manga), a bushy, light brown fur tail (which is thin and long in the manga instead) and two pairs of three whiskers, one for each cheek.

She has a peach skin complexion, light emerald green eyes and cinnamon brown hair that is kept in short, covering her cheeks and forehead. Koto is a young woman of average height, with a slim build and rounded facial features.